B&A Hormonal Acne Lower Face - Supple Skin Co

B&A Hormonal Acne Lower Face

"I started using the Dew Drops in December last year (asked for them for Christmas, haha) after battling with problem skin for the last 2 or 3 years, and to be honest I wasn't expecting much. I've tried a *lot* of products that all promise the same thing ~ clear, clean skin.
I used the Dew Drops each night (after cleansing twice with the Fresh Face Enzyme Cleanser ~ a must) consistently, and to be honest I broke out immediately for about 2 weeks. I was expecting this though, as the product description mentions a purging & cleansing process.

After the first couple of weeks, my skin began to right itself, and my spots got smaller and fewer and further between. The only spots I'd still get were the deeper hormonal ones, and so I bought the SOS treatment which is insaaaaane. It helps calm those angry blind spots (that I now rarely get) and they never get to a head ~ it's amazing.
I've actually thrown out all my other *useless* skincare that I've been hoarding, as they've literally been made redundant thanks to the Drops. I've just ordered my second bottle of Dew Drops and cleanser, and I can't see myself ever using anything else. It's the best thing that's ever happened to my skin."